Gloin Character Unlock Cheat : Vous pouvez obtenir ce code en répondant à un sondage sur le site LEGO [.Elrond ("Second Age") Character Unlock Cheat : A9FB4Q.Les développeurs de Traveler’s Tales veulent que tout le monde puisse s'amuser avec les jeux vidéo Légo et cela par tous les moyens. Unlocking Method: Get a 100% complete save file.Įst-ce que l'usage de code empêche de déverrouiller les succès ?
Uruk-hai AKA Lurtz (Newborn) Character Unlock Cheat : X.Shagrat Character Unlock Cheat : PJB6MV.Ringwraith (White) Character Unlock Cheat : LYQU1F (Note: Has Wraith Power for Free Play Mode.).Radagast The Brown Character Unlock Cheat : 5LV6EB.Nazgul (Twilight) Character Unlock Cheat : Code will unlock after doing a Lego LOTR Survey [.Mouth of Sauron Character Unlock Cheat : F4M7FC.Lothlorien Elf Character Unlock Cheat : C2A58D.King of the Dead Character Unlock Cheat : IH7E58.
Grima Wormtongue Character Unlock Cheat : BU95CB.
Gondor Ranger Character Unlock Cheat : LG5GI7. Gloin Character Unlock Cheat : Code will unlock after doing a Lego LOTR Survey [. Gamling Character Unlock Cheat : AVJII1. Galadriel Character Unlock Cheat : 7B4VWH. Elrond (Second Age) Character Unlock Cheat : A9FB4Q. Easterling Character Unlock Cheat : R7XKDH. Denethor Character Unlock Cheat : RJV4KB. Boromir (Captain) Character Unlock Cheat : HTYADU. "Treasure Chest Finder” Red Brick Cheat : A24TVJ. "Stud Multiplier X10″ Red Brick Cheat : ?. "Stud Multiplier X8″ Red Brick Cheat : ?. "Stud Multiplier X6″ Red Brick Cheat : ?. "Stud Multiplier X4″ Red Brick Cheat : ?. "Stud Multiplier X2″ Red Brick Cheat : 1F5YH2. "Regenerate Hearts” Red Brick Cheat : H5L6N6. "Poo Studs” Red Brick Cheat : D49TXY ( If you are on an animal like a sheep, press B and the animal will “poo” out studs.). "Mithril Hearts” Red Brick Cheat : 2MCRDN. "Mithril Brick Finder” Red Brick Cheat : B72D7E. "Fetch Quest Finder” Red Brick Cheat : EY4K32. "Character Studs” Red Brick Cheat : PR3V4K. "Boss Disguises” Red Brick Cheat : F3H14H. "Attract Studs” Red Brick Cheat : C7FJ7B. "Action Assist” Red Brick Cheat : T1JM4R. Will the Bonus Codes mess with Steam Achievements ? Developer Traveler’s Tales wants everyone to have fun with their Lego games any way they want to, and that includes enabling cheats. Will the Bonus Codes mess with Trophies/Achievements ? If you can help, feel free to contact me.Ģ013 - Jan - 20 : First version of the guide. > I'm also looking for help to translate the codes description in every language. > If you find new codes that aren't on this list, feel free to send me a message or post a comment and I will add them ! I really like this game and I hope you have got the same feeling, here is the list of every codes for this game.